• A Moment…

    I was walking towards the kitchen and I caught a glimpse of Walker. It cracks me up that he sits at the coffee table to do his homework. We clearly have a desk…

  • Let the Season Begin!

    Here we go… Alayna’s 2nd Club season for volleyball has officially begun! We drove down to Tucson to the Sporting Chance complex long before the sun came up and it was FREEZING cold!…

  • A Family Business

    I posted back in December that Eli got a job at Joe’s BBQ and now they have another new employee! This handsome man is running/cooking/carving in the back of house. The boys LOVE…

  • OUCH!!!

    I got a call from the High School Nurse today. Eli was in her office. He was in weights class and he dropped a 35lb weight on his finger!!!!! 🙁 She was asking…

  • 7th Annual Polar Bear Plunge

    7th Annual Polar Bear Plunge 2020! Alayna and Jared are the brave ones in the family that continue this crazy tradition! LOL! This year Alayna was pretty nervous. She really didn’t want to…

  • The “Guys” & New Year’s Eve

    Jared’s buddies from Texas typically come out to Arizona between Christmas and New Years. They get together and play games and catch up. They’ve been friends since High School. I love that he…

  • Mannheim Steamroller

    Jared’s childhood best friend’s parents (if you can keep that straight 😛 ) messaged me this morning asking if we were available this afternoon. They had tickets to see Mannheim Steamroller but weren’t…

  • Christmas Day!

    Christmas Day was low-key and relaxing. Jared and I woke up before the kids…teenagers…LOL! So we went and woke them up by bursting into their rooms saying, “Santa came! Santa came!!! It went…

  • Christmas Eve

    As is tradition we spent Christmas Eve and Grandma and Grandpa Morrison’s. We picked up Rigatony’s for dinner and that was the best decision we made! It was soooo good!! Plus, no one…

  • Happy 13th Birthday Alayna!!

    Happy 13th Birthday (how is my baby a teenager already!?) to my favorite Christmas present I could ever have asked for! 🎂🎄 The start of her bday we went to the Giving Machine…