• Science Camp

    Alayna went to Science camp this week!  Jared went to Science Camp with Alayna this week. He’s gone with all 3 of the kids now! šŸ™‚ He’s a good dad! <3  Love her!…

  • Divine Design

    I debated on weather or not I should share this experience here. This is a public forum and some things feel too personal and sacred to put out for everyone to read. But…

  • EVJ

    This is Alayna’s 1st year in Club. She absolutely LOVES it!! Even on days she’s not at Club she’s outside doing drills and doing exercises to stay in condition. She is so driven to…

  • Three Months!!!!

    Jared sent this to Walker this morning and I wanted to remember it. <3  Today is March 25. 3 months šŸ˜² I love you bud. I was thinking about everything on my way…

  • California Vacation- Day 5

    Our last day!  I’m so grateful for the Hawk’s and all they did for our family. They helped make this trip possible and it was so good to catch up with them. We…

  • California Vacation – Day 4

    It’s been 24 years since Jared & I have been to Universal Studios. We went together for my High School graduation in 1995. (I’m dating myself šŸ‘µLOL!) This was the first time for…

  • California Vacation- Day 3

    More beach time! The Hawk’s recommended we go to Crystal Cove Beach. They have tide pools and seals occasionally. It was an overcast chilly morning but we didn’t let that deter us! So…

  • California Vacation- Day 2

    After staying up late chatting with the Hawk’s we got up bright and early the next morning to head up to Santa Monica Beach. None of us have been there before and we…

  • California Vacation- Day 1

    It’s SPRING BREAK!!!! We weren’t sure when Walker would be leaving on his mission this summer. He put his availability date in the first part of June so we decided Spring Break would…

  • “Believer”

    Alayna performed again in her school talent show. She played “Believer” on the piano.  She was a “little” excited! LOL!  She did so GREAT! My favorite part was when the kids in the…