• On the Rise

    It’s unfortunate, but has been expected, the number of people becoming sick with the Coronavirus is escalating significantly here in AZ. Because of this, the Governor issued a statement delegating each town/city Mayor…

  • Betty Jean McClendon

    My Grandmother passed away on Monday night. She was just shy of her 92nd birthday. She was married to my Grandfather William (Bill) McClendon, my mom’s biological father. He passed away 17 years…

  • Welcome Back

    Walker started back at Joe’s today! He had given Buddyz his two weeks notice and they were really nice and understanding about him leaving which was great. Today he was excited to get…

  • High School Pals

    Walker invited some of his old High School friends over for a game night. Walker got this massive game called Gloomhaven and has been dying to play. By the amount of teasing, laughing,…

  • This and That…

    I love when I find little gems on the kids’ phones! Especially Walker’s. He NEVER takes pictures and he NEVER takes pictures of himself!! When I saw this my heart melted! I have…

  • Happy Birthday Jared!

    This guy turned 44! We had a low-key celebration which is just how he prefers it. I made him a big breakfast, he’s a big fan of the big breakfast, and did my…

  • In The News

    There hasn’t been much going on with us, but the world has been very busy this week! I just wanted to document some of it so we can remember this time in our…

  • Returning to Some Type of Normal

    But first….Today marks 12 years ago Jared was officially diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) but has been suffering from it for a total of 21 years. (He had just been misdiagnosed before then…migraines…