• Season Update

    The regular school season is winding down. We played Highland Jr. this week and won. Which was expected. We played our biggest competition, Greenfield and sadly lost. They are a tough team! But…

  • A Graduate!

    Some pretty big news arrived in the mail today!!!! Walker received his diploma from Chandler Gilbert Community College! <3 I’m so proud of him! He doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal.…

  • Go Sun Devils!!

    Walker started his 1st day at Arizona State University (ASU) today! He just finished up his summer school classes at CGCC about two weeks ago. He also took a CLEP (the College-Level Examination…

  • Happy Birthday!

    This guy turned 20!!! I’m constantly amazed by this guy. He works full-time and goes to school full-time. He is busy!! He loves his family and gives the BEST hugs! 🤗 Everyone who…

  • Welcome Back

    Walker started back at Joe’s today! He had given Buddyz his two weeks notice and they were really nice and understanding about him leaving which was great. Today he was excited to get…

  • High School Pals

    Walker invited some of his old High School friends over for a game night. Walker got this massive game called Gloomhaven and has been dying to play. By the amount of teasing, laughing,…

  • Congratulations!!

    Walker is wrapping up his Associates Degree at Chandler Gilbert Community College, in Liberal Arts/Generals. Even though he missed a semester of school while he was gone on his Mission he was able…

  • Home-Centered, Church-Supported

    At the beginning of 2019 the church rolled out a new curriculum that emphasizes scripture study in the home as individuals and families, with Sunday lessons supporting what is learned. Every member and…

  • A Moment…

    I was walking towards the kitchen and I caught a glimpse of Walker. It cracks me up that he sits at the coffee table to do his homework. We clearly have a desk…

  • A Family Business

    I posted back in December that Eli got a job at Joe’s BBQ and now they have another new employee! This handsome man is running/cooking/carving in the back of house. The boys LOVE…