Cuarto Semana – (Fourth Week)
Things just keep chugging along here at the CCM. Lots of Spanish and gospel study. We started a game called El Latino, which was really just an excuse to try and make us…
Tercera Semana (Third Week)
Going into this next week was interesting. We had an awesome Fast Sunday, where we watched a talk by Elder Bednar on The Character of Christ (audio). It was fantastic, and I would…
Primero y Segundo Semana (First and Second Week) – Elder Kitch’s First P-Day!
Walker had his first P-Day! Here is his letter. So today is my first Pday. Sorry for the delay. The first week here was rather interesting, mostly lots of orientation and meeting your…
One Week Down
Today marks one week since Walker left! We found some stickers on Amazon that fit the map we made perfectly. I didn’t want to ruin all of Jared’s hard work with coloring it…
Moving Day
It didn’t take long for Eli and Alayna to want to move things around once Walker left! Lol! Alayna’s been wanting to paint her room but hasn’t had the money to do it.…
Bienvenidos de Mexico
We got our 1st email from Elder Kitch Tuesday afternoon. the day he arrived at the MTC. I can’t tell you how happy it made my heart to hear from him. And today…
Today’s the Day….Good-bye Elder Kitch!!!!!!!
It’s been a whirlwind the last few days! This morning came so quickly! We were up at 4:30am to get him to the airport on time. His flight was at 8:50am but for…
Last Lunch & Setting Apart
Today was full of more family, packing, getting last minute things, a movie, and being set apart as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Jared’s…
Mission Farewell & Open House
Today Walker gave a wonderful farewell talk in Sacrament and then that evening we had our house busting at the seems with so many friends that came to wish him well! So many…