• Family Time

    It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten together with family outside of the 5 in our family. There have been lots of restrictions (because of covid) on group gatherings. They had limited…

  • 1st Day of In Person School

    It’s been 188 days since these two have been to school in person!! So crazy!! 😯 Today is their first day back! 🏫 Alayna was picked to be a WEB (Where Everyone Belongs)…

  • Wild Fires = Incredible Looking Sun

    I feel like every few weeks in 2020 there is some new apocalyptic bucket list item to cross off the list. It’s kind of insane. Pandemic- checkQuarantine/Lock-down- checkNo Toilet Paper- checkMurder Hornets- checkProtests…

  • Good-bye Wisdom Teeth

    This is how Eli feels about getting his wisdom teeth out today. Lol! 😂 Poor kid. Everything went well. No passing out or sweating through his clothes this time. ❤️ I was able…

  • High Praise!

    Alayna has been getting some great feedback from her volleyball coaches! <3 I think it says a lot about her that her Jr. High coach asked her to be 1 of the 4…

  • Go Sun Devils!!

    Walker started his 1st day at Arizona State University (ASU) today! He just finished up his summer school classes at CGCC about two weeks ago. He also took a CLEP (the College-Level Examination…

  • First Week Of School

    Well, the first week of online school is complete! It was a little rocky with connection issues and long login times but everyone made it through. It actually wasn’t as bad as I…

  • Happy Birthday Sammy!

    Sammy turned 12 today! He’s been with us since he was a puppy. We won him at a church fund raising auction put on by the youth to help raise funds for their…