California Vacation- Day 1
It’s SPRING BREAK!!!! We weren’t sure when Walker would be leaving on his mission this summer. He put his availability date in the first part of June so we decided Spring Break would…
Called To Serve!
It’s been a LONG month! We’ve been waiting and waiting what felt like years and today it FINALLY came!!! Walker’s Mission Call arrived! With all the changes in the Church recently mission calls…
Papers Sent……
Walker met with our Stake President, President Layton, on Sunday the 3rd for his Missionary Interview. Everything went well. The interview lasted a long time. Pres. Layton commented on how spiritually mature Walker…
I Hope They Call Me on a Mission….
Since Walker was little he’s talked about serving a mission for our church. He’s always said, “When I go on my mission.” ….not just when I go on a mission…by MY mission…. I…
Ordained a Priest
Today was a special day for Eli and our family! ❤️ He gave a great talk in Sacrament about magnifying the Priesthood to become a better disciple of Jesus Christ. Of course he…
Family Temple Day!
Family Temple Day! 💒 It’s not easy finding a day that works with everyone’s schedules to go to the temple as a family. But we made a commitment to go together once a…
Alayna’s 1st Temple Trip- Family Temple Day!
Family Temple Day!! 💒 Alayna has been SO excited to turn 12 so she can go to the Temple. Today was her very first time! ❤️ It was a beautiful experience to have…
Operation Birthday Lunch!
Operation Birthday Lunch was a success!!🎂🎉 Our whole crew showed up with Alayna’s favorite food & played Ga-ga Ball and a few “friendly” matches of tether ball. 😜 #kickinitoldschool #awesomebrothers #elementaryschoolfun #imissrecess #decemberbdaysdonthavetobelame…
The 3rd Times a Charm
The 3rd times a charm…..we hope!!!!! We finally got things settled with the insurance company and got Walker another car. This is his 3rd vehicle in 1.5 years!!! My Dad actually saw it…