• High School Graduate!!

    Today was the BIG day!!! We let Walker choose anywhere he wanted to go for his celebratory lunch. He chose Firebirds. We love that place! We asked him what he wanted for dessert…

  • Kindergarten to Senior!!

    From Kindergarten to High School Senior! Tomorrow Walker graduates!! 🎓  I mean…how stinkin’ cute is he???? Oh my heart!!!! I have so many mixed emotions. I can’t believe we are “here” already. This…

  • Seminary Graduation!

    Walker graduated from Seminary last night!!  LOVE that smile!!!  It takes a lot of work and is a commitment to strive to complete all of the requirements for  Seminary graduation all while staying…

  • Walker’s Senior Pictures!

    I’m a little late getting these done but better late than never right?!? 😉 This year has FLOWN BY, and maybe I’m in a little bit of denial, but Walker is graduating next…

  • Golden Scholars….Walker’s LAST ONE!

    This school year is wrapping up! Band concerts, orchestra concerts, award ceremonies and an upcoming graduation are in full swing!!  Today my heart is full!! ❤️❤️ Walker just received his last Golden Scholar…

  • Kids Are Home….

    Kids are home since the #RedforEd is still ongoing and they are watching “A Bug’s Life”. 🦗🐜🐛🦋 Brings back so many memories! Love my crew!! ❤️❤️ #familytime #thisrarelyhappens #iwishicouldfreezetime #theyaremyheart

  • Happy 15th Birthday Eli!!!

    Happy 15th birthday to this wild and crazy guy!! 🎂🎉🎈 Eli brings so much fun and life into our lives. His quick wit and humor make everyone laugh. His personality is larger than…