Talitha (Talietha)
My dad called and we were chatting and he mentioned that he’d been reading the Bible. Can we just stop right here for a minute and let that soak in……. My dad….was reading…
Go Sun Devils!!
Walker started his 1st day at Arizona State University (ASU) today! He just finished up his summer school classes at CGCC about two weeks ago. He also took a CLEP (the College-Level Examination…
Blessings from Heaven
Today I am grateful for Eli’s miracle. 💛😇 He was really sick at work with a bad stomachache. He was having sweats and thought he was going to have to come home because…
1 Year Anniversary–Weekly Temple Attendance
After being hospitalized last year, I was able to get some healing and strength back after a few months. I made a commitment that I would go to the Temple at least once…
I’ve been struggling with some emotional things since being in the ICU this summer. I’ve been seeing a counselor and she has said that I have PTSD and anxiety. I’ve always struggled with…