1 Year Anniversary–Weekly Temple Attendance

 After being hospitalized last year, I was able to get some healing and strength back after a few months. I made a commitment that I would go to the Temple at least once a week. 💒 
 Looking back, I was probably crazy! 😵😨 Getting dressed, getting myself there, and attending, took everything out of me, and it took the rest of the day and sometimes several days after to recover. 

But… I’m glad I went. 

Today marks my 1 year anniversary of setting that goal!! 💕 

I have been taught in His Holy House things that I could not have learned or experienced anywhere else. My love and appreciation for the Temple has grown and taken on so much more meaning and purpose in my life. I crave to be there and feel God’s peace. To commune with Him and be tutored by Him. Keeping the Temple at the center of my life has saved my life. It’s grounded me, helped me to see my purpose, and has become my sanctuary. I cannot thank my Heavenly Father enough for all of His tender mercies, love, hope, guidance, and help this year! I love the Temple! ❤️💕❤️

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