• Spring Break – Alayna’s Senior Trip

    It’s tradition to take the kids on a Senior Trip when they graduate. With everyone’s very busy schedules this summer we had to move Alayna’s trip up to Spring Break. But she wasn’t…

  • Eli & Brynne’s Wedding

    I can hardly believe we are here! My son got married!!!! My eyes still well up when I think about it and my heart is bursting to the brim with happiness for him.…

  • Sports Med College Tour Trip

    Alayna and her Sports Medicine Club got the opportunity to fly to California and tour a few college campuses and learn more about their programs. They even got to see a baseball team!…

  • Summer Vacation + Eli’s Graduation Trip!

    We’ve been anxiously awaiting this day! We had been wanting to celebrate Eli’s graduation and take a family trip but weren’t sure we’d be able to. One of the big things on our…

  • Wild Fires = Incredible Looking Sun

    I feel like every few weeks in 2020 there is some new apocalyptic bucket list item to cross off the list. It’s kind of insane. Pandemic- checkQuarantine/Lock-down- checkNo Toilet Paper- checkMurder Hornets- checkProtests…

  • Disneyland – Day 3

    Our last day!!!! We did our best to hit all our “must do” rides one more time before we had to go. Of course Pirates was at the top of the list. 🙂 …

  • Family Pictures

    I wanted these posted weeks ago. Better late than never right? I took our family photos last month while we were in California. 🌞 It took me forever to get them edited. If…

  • California Vacation- Day 5

    Our last day!  I’m so grateful for the Hawk’s and all they did for our family. They helped make this trip possible and it was so good to catch up with them. We…

  • California Vacation- Day 3

    More beach time! The Hawk’s recommended we go to Crystal Cove Beach. They have tide pools and seals occasionally. It was an overcast chilly morning but we didn’t let that deter us! So…