• Canyon Lake YW Trip

    The Young Women got to go on a trip up to Canyon Lake! They arrived at the church early (still dark in fact) at 5am!  When they arrived at the lake they got…

  • She Made It!!

    Alayna has been working hard all year, I mean working REALLY hard! She’s put in hours and hours and house of practice, sweat, and honestly some tears into improving her volleyball skills.  This…

  • Florida Man sees A SNAKE

    This week things started clicking. I’m still getting led around like a lost puppy, don’t get me wrong, but things are making sense, and I’m getting comfortable. We’ve practiced a lot of contacting,…

  • Alayna’s New Calling

    Today Alayna was set apart as the new Beehive President in Young Women!  We are so proud of Alayna. It is humbling that the Lord feels she can serve the Young Women in…

  • 4 x 4 Tournament

    Alayna has been attending tons of Clinics and Camps this summer for volleyball. And it’s just in her nature to make friends everywhere she goes. Even if she doesn’t know anyone there she…

  • Spamilton

    Alayna is OBSESSED with Hamilton the musical. She’s never seen it but she knows every word to every song and sings them constantly.  Last weekend when Jared and I were looking for things…

  • Sexta Semana – (Sixth Week)

    This week in the CCM District, 11B goes insane. Parties and English, oh my. Needless to say, my district and I are ready to get out there and start teaching. And I leave…