COVID Testing
Alayna and I started feeling crummy over the weekend. Low grade fevers, body aches, and she has a terrible cough. I decided we better go check to see if we had COVID. Chandler…
Jr. High Volleyball Season Has Begun!
This week Alayna had 2 games. We weren’t even sure the girls would get a season this year with COVID and all the restrictions. But thankfully they are!! <3 The season has been…
A Graduate!
Some pretty big news arrived in the mail today!!!! Walker received his diploma from Chandler Gilbert Community College! <3 I’m so proud of him! He doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal.…
I Don’t Want to Adult Today….
I was in the kitchen this morning and I took a big stretch and looked up at the ceiling and saw this…… UGH!!!! I knew right away what it was from. We have…
She Did It Again!
Alayna continues to amaze us! She loves volleyball with her whole heart and soul and all of her hard work is paying off! All this week she had tryouts at school and today…
Family Time
It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten together with family outside of the 5 in our family. There have been lots of restrictions (because of covid) on group gatherings. They had limited…
1st Day of In Person School
It’s been 188 days since these two have been to school in person!! So crazy!! 😯 Today is their first day back! 🏫 Alayna was picked to be a WEB (Where Everyone Belongs)…
Wild Fires = Incredible Looking Sun
I feel like every few weeks in 2020 there is some new apocalyptic bucket list item to cross off the list. It’s kind of insane. Pandemic- checkQuarantine/Lock-down- checkNo Toilet Paper- checkMurder Hornets- checkProtests…
Good-bye Wisdom Teeth
This is how Eli feels about getting his wisdom teeth out today. Lol! 😂 Poor kid. Everything went well. No passing out or sweating through his clothes this time. ❤️ I was able…
High Praise!
Alayna has been getting some great feedback from her volleyball coaches! <3 I think it says a lot about her that her Jr. High coach asked her to be 1 of the 4…