• RIP Buick

    Eli was on his way to his girlfriend’s brother’s wedding and I got a call from him. “Mom I was in an accident.” Always makes the heart patter and gives you a pit…

  • Scholarship & Awards Program

    A lot goes on your Senior year! 😉 Eli was recognized at the high school’s scholarship & award ceremony. This program was a culmination of several different things. The first being the students…

  • Friends are Fun!

    Alayna was invited to her friend’s birthday party over the weekend. The plan….boating!!! What a FUN idea! They got up bright and early so they could get up to Lake Pleasant and spend…

  • Birthday Celebration Continued

    The last week or so has been a lot about Eli but this kid definitely has earned every bit of the attention. 🙂 We took him out for his birthday lunch to a…

  • AFROTC Scholarship!!

    Eli applied for the Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps way back in November. You can read about it back here. He was supposed to get his decision by March but they pushed…

  • Happy 18th Birthday Eli!!!!

    Where have the last 18 years gone? I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly a man stood where a boy used to be. We are so proud of the man you…

  • Eli’s Senior Pictures!

    Let me preface this by saying it was a small miracle Eli agreed to let me take his Sr. pics. He is not a fan of taking pictures! So let’s just cherish every…

  • Another Star!

    The world just can’t get enough of the Kitch kids! Hahaha! (Just kidding. 😛 ) Alayna’s Club team killed it today and took the #1 seed in the AZ Region for her age…

  • You’re Famous!

    Eli has been working his tail off this year in Calculus. It’s BRUTAL! I see some of the homework he has to do and it doesn’t even look like math. It’s just a…

  • Friends

    Alayna’s friend Sam wanted a portrait for his birthday and Alayna was happy to make that wish come true. I love watching her draw. She just keeps getting better and better!