• White Water Rafting in Moab

    Summer adventures continue for this girl! We were home from California Saturday night and she’s off bright and early this (Monday) morning for Moab, UT to white water raft down the Colorado River!!!…

  • Little Italy & Old Town

    Our last day! We went to Little Italy to check out the farmer’s market they have there on the weekends and it didn’t disappoint! They had beautiful produce, delicious pastries, and the boys…

  • Crystal Pier & Pacific Beach

    All that fun in the sun the day before had us all sleeping in late this morning. We got up and around after a bit and while I was making breakfast Jared had…

  • Good-bye Disney…Hello San Diego!

    Wednesday we left our “Happy Place”, said good bye to our wonderful hosts and friends the Hawk’s, as well as Chase, and headed down to San Diego for some much needed relaxation and…

  • California Adventure!

    Look who greeted me as I walked into California Adventure! 🙂 One of the best changes Disney has made since reopening is the amount of characters out in the Parks and they have…

  • Disneyland!!!

    We are HOME!!!! Can you see the excitement on our faces!?!!!! And here is one with Chase! 😛 We got to the park early…before opening. The family was teasing me because it’s a…

  • Summer Vacation + Eli’s Graduation Trip!

    We’ve been anxiously awaiting this day! We had been wanting to celebrate Eli’s graduation and take a family trip but weren’t sure we’d be able to. One of the big things on our…

  • Girl’s Camp

    Life is returning to normal and it feels so good! The Young Women in our Ward got to go to Girl’s Camp this past week!! They drove up to Nutrioso, AZ. It’s up…

  • Preparing For The Future

    Eli got his regulation haircut for the Air Force. (I promise these were taken just an hour apart!) I also think he aged 3 years instantly. LOL!! He’s also just been offered a…

  • Cuddle Buddies

    These two have grown up together. We got Sammy as a puppy when Alayna was 2 years old. He’ll be turning 13 this summer!! He’s getting up there in years. This year his…