Seminary Graduation!
Tonight Eli graduated from Seminary!
His Seminary was a little all over the place in H.S. The Church changed the curriculum his Jr. year and reset it back to the Book of Mormon so they didn’t really get a chance to study all of the Bible. That was kind of a bummer. But perhaps this group of kids needed more of the BofM in their lives. God is aware of these kids and nothing goes to waste. I know it’s probably not how all of them feel about it or see it right now, but one day they will. <3
This was also the first time our family has been back in a church building all together. It felt a little odd but familiar too. It was nice seeing familiar and friendly faces again, some masked, some not. Now that the vaccine has been out for the population to receive and many others already having contracted COVID things are starting to return to normal. But it still feels a little weird I’ll admit. It will take some adjusting as it did when we adjusted to the changes when it all began. Anyway…..
We are so proud of this guy!!!!!!

The ceremony was short and sweet and we are so grateful for the Seminary teachers that prepared lessons, shared their testimonies, and helped our son grow his faith and testimony in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is priceless!!!

Congratulations Eli!!!!!
Next up…High School Graduation!