Works of Art
I just love seeing what Alayna can do with her art! Here are few she’s been working on. Note: I don’t love anime style but as long as she continues to try to…
So This is What 40 Looks Like….
I’m not really quite sure what to say….I turned 40!!! My brain can’t quite comprehend what that means. How have I lived 40 years of my life already??? It’s boggling! LOL!!! So I…
Christmas Traditions
We like to put up the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving. We stayed home from church since I was missing everyone and they were still recovering from their super fun vacation! 🙂 I…
Texas Family Reunion- They’re HOME!!!!
Saturday morning the family got up bright and early and headed for the airport! I couldn’t wait to see them! I missed them so much!!! Sammy is good company and all but I…
Texas Family Reunion – 2016
Jared’s family had their reunion in Texas this year. Thankfully I had found an amazing deal on flights a few months ago on Southwest. I was hoping I’d feel well enough to go…
4th Grade Field Day!
Alayna had Field Day today! 🙂 She’s on the left side of that group of kids. Pony tail and red/orange shirt. 🙂 She’s pretty good at the hula hoop! A little Tag Flag.…
Fairy Awesome!
Like my play on words? LOL! We were winding down for the night and Alayna likes to draw or color while she waits for everyone to gather for scriptures and prayer. I noticed…
Veteran’s Day Celebration at the Civic Center
The 4th grade classes at Alayna’s school have really felt patriotic! They had another performance at the Civic Center in Gilbert! 🙂 Can you see her? She’s towards the back sort of in…
Garden Progress…
Alayna’s class garden is really taking off! 🙂 These kiddos have been working really hard keeping their garden flourishing! Alayna said they got to try some of the radishes and she loved them!…
Happy Veteran’s Day!!!
The 4th Graders at Alayna’s school had their Veteran’s Day Program. They invited Veterans from around this area to come and be apart of the day and enjoy a special speaker and some…