• Tale of Despereaux

    Alayna had to make a model for the book Tale of Despereaux. We whipped up some salt dough, which I haven’t made since I was her age, and she made this cute little…

  • Family Pictures

    It’s been 2 years since I took our family pictures. It was important to me to get them done this year since Walker may not be with us next Christmas. We went to…

  • Thanksgiving & Miracles

    Last year Jared and the kids went to Texas for his family’s reunion. I wasn’t well enough to go physically or mentally. It was one of the hardest times of my life. Thanksgiving…

  • Never a Dull Moment

    We took the family shopping to get some outfits for family pictures. We all hate shopping! LOL! Eli especially finds it boring and terrible. However, there’s never a dull moment with him around!…

  • The Savior

    Alayna shared this drawing with us and I LOVED it!!  I love her talent and I love her love for her Savior! <3 

  • Mom Fell

    I was on my way over to my parent’s house to pick them up yesterday. My dad was scheduled to have a procedure done and he couldn’t drive after. My mom doesn’t drive,…

  • Tender Mercies!!!

    Remember this? Walker bought his 1st car back in May. It was a cute little car!  Tuesday I got a phone call just before 5pm. It was Walker and his voice was shaking…

  • Honor Roll

    Fifth grade has been a year of challenges for Alayna. She’s had to adjust to switching classes, having several different teachers, learn how to talk to teachers after being absent and make up…

  • Time Out For Women

     AnnMarie and I went to Time Out For Women this year. It was our first time ever attending. We had both heard such great things about it and we thought it would be…

  • Halloween

     How we celebrate different holidays are beginning to change. As the kids get older they are busier and have jobs, friends and other things that pull them out of our family traditions. It’s…