• Let’s Dance!

      Walker went to his 1st dance!!  We were at my Mom’s house helping her get ready for a garage sale and he nonchalantly tells me as we are carrying tables, and nick knacks to…

  • Our Super Star!!

    Alayna was chosen to be the 1st Star Student of the Week in her class this week!!! She came home with a box full of activities to complete and she was SO excited!!…

  • Daddy’s Girl

    Our Stake held a “Daddy Daughter Date Night” on Saturday. Alayna was SO looking forward to going and then we found out it was only for girls ages 8-11 years old. 🙁 So…

  • Sleepy Princess

    This is how a Princess Sleeps… Pretty sweet huh!?! 🙂 I couldn’t resist. I went in to her room to turn her light off and I found her sleeping like this.  Her hand…

  • Well it happened…my sweet little baby girl grew up on me, and today she started Kindergarten!! She has been anxiously awaiting this day all summer long, and it has arrived, much to my chagrin.…

  • The Mayor of Gilbert

    Eli’s Cub Scout Troop met the Mayor of Gilbert, John Lewis tonight! It was a pretty cool experience for the boys as well as the parents! 🙂 Here he is showing the boys…

  • I Love To See The Temple!

    For Family Home Evening, we decided to go check out the progress on the construction of the new Gilbert Temple.  Sometimes being so close to something you take it for granted. This Temple…

  • Good-Bye!

    Alayna’s best friend Lola left with her family today to move to Texas. This past week has been very hard on her. These two girls have been friends since they could barely walk…

  • Game On!

    Last summer Walker invited some friends over to play D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) and he played the role of the D.M. (Dungeon Master). It was a bit of a challenge trying…

  • Good-bye Primary…Hello Priesthood!

    It feels like all I do is Blog about Walker lately but I guess he’s just had a lot of things happening lately. 🙂 Today Walker received the Priesthood and was ordained a Deacon!  Walker…