• Little Boy to Young Man….

    We moved into this house 11 years ago. Walker was 1 year old and his room was the first thing we painted. For his birthday present from Mom and Dad he got a…

  • Walker’s 12th Birthday Party!

    It happened…we officially have a Pre-teen in our house!! I almost can’t wrap my brain around it. I mean..I’m only 25..how can Walker possibly be 12!?! LOL!! To ring in the new milestone…

  • The Greatest Show on Earth!!!

    Yesterday we took the kids to the Circus! We haven’t been for about 6-7 years. When I heard it was coming to town I bought tickets right away! 🙂 It was in downtown…

  • Happy Father’s Day!

    This year we got Jared EXACTLY what he loves for Father’s Day! Classic Lay’s potato chips, coke and a poster of one of his favorite TV characters, Sheldon Cooper…BAZINGA!    For dinner we…

  • Just Add Water!

    The kids started their 2nd session of swim lessons today! Alayna graduated from Shrimps last summer to Otters this year. She absolutely LOVES the water and has caught on really fast to all…

  • Whirl Wind AZ National Park Summer Tour!

    I get these “itches” where I just can’t sit still and crave the great out doors. This weekend was a prime example. The stars aligned for me and the National Parks had FREE…

  • In the Garden

    Alayna is my artist. She painted this picture and I thought it was amazing!  She titled it, “In the Garden”.  She’s only 5 and has more talent than I ever will! I’m definitely…

  • Goldfield Ghost Town

    Yesterday was Memorial Day, and our friends the Campbell’s wanted to go check out Goldfield Ghost Town in Apache Junction. We’ve never been and it sounded like a fun way to spend the…

  • Walker’s 6th Grade Graduation!

     It’s been an exciting 7 years at Settler’s Point Elementary School and today it all came to an end for one Mr. Walker Samuel Kitch! The Invitation.. The Program… All of the 6th…

  • We’ve Got Joy!!!

    The day has arrived and our little angel has graduated from her 2nd year of Joy School!!!!! I can’t tell you how much I absolutely LOVE this program. The curriculum teaches so many important and…