• Peace Helper

    Eli is really coming into his own this year. He’s so much more outgoing and willing to give new things a try. He surprised Jared and me when he came home with a…

  • Family History!

     I’ve been working on family history a lot lately. My main focus has been digitizing all the pictures, journals, and histories so that they are permanently saved. Jared’s office has been a huge help with getting all…

  • Alayna’s Fieldtrip to Schnepf Farms

    Alayna has the same Kindergarten teacher the boys had, Mrs. Ence. I volunteered to be a chaperon for her field-trip today to Schnepf Farms, but she didn’t know. When she found out she was SUPER excited!! She…

  • Home Sweet Home…

    This post is bittersweet.  Due to several financial hardships my parents have gone through over the years, and especially this year in particular, they had to walk away from the home they’ve lived in…

  • Monster Mash!

    It’s that time of year again! Beware of brain eating Zombies!!!! 😛

  • Shadow Your Student Day

    Today was “Shadow Your Student Day” at the Jr. High. Walker actually wanted his old Mom to come! So nice to know I’m not too embarrassing to him…yet…lol! I got to follow Walker…

  • Hola!

    We went to a Mexican food restaurant the other day and they had these out front!!! I died laughing!!!!! 😀

  • Outstanding!!!

    At Walker’s school they have awards they give out for Outstanding Character. Basically if a teacher catches a student doing something really nice, or above and beyond for someone else, they will give…

  • Darn Foot!

    Well here I am again… I’ve never had foot problems, and I think in the past year and half I’ve made up more than my share of them. Good news is that my…