
Jared’s family got together for a combo Thanksgiving/Christmas over the weekend. His sister Julie and her special guy realized it’s much more affordable to travel between holidays than on the holiday. ;P So, we called it Thanksmas and it was every bit as lovely!

Such a beautiful Nativity!

I love how humble and sweet their tree is! Just perfect for the two of them. And that advent wreath back there has been pulled out every Christmas season for as long as I’ve known them (at least 28 years and I knows it’s been even longer)! It’s a special tradition!

Since we’d all just had our fill of turkey and ham two weeks before, Rich and Rita decided hot dogs and hamburgers were the way to go. They had purchased a new grill that arrived “just” in the nick of time and we all were quite happy to break it in!

We had a white elephant exchange that was pretty polite/nice. I’ve attended a few that were pretty snarky. Hahaha! I think everyone (for the most part) went home with something they were happy with. I know I did! Who doesn’t love a hamburger masher?!? 😀

This group of people are our village and they are a blessing! We were missing a few but as with large groups it’s almost impossible to get everyone’s schedules to line up perfectly.

These two are the kindest, sweetest, most loving humans! I got so incredibly lucky to have them as in-laws! <3

And that’s a wrap! Happy Thanksmas!!! 🙂