A Look Back
Never in a million years would I imagine last year how the world would transform.
That masks would be mainstream, that “social distancing” would be a regular practice.
That hugs and handshakes would be discouraged. That my children would be in a hybrid schooling situation, trying to maneuver learning largely from laptops. That countries would be closing their borders and on lockdown, and that our country would be in an uproar of trying to sort itself out.
It has been quite a year.
There have been all kinds of “covid stories.” Heartbreaking ones and triumphant ones. Losses and beauty and tragedy and glory. (Thankfully, we haven’t lost anyone in our family to it and and only my brother has contracted it so far.) Ours has been one filled up with family. And I’m not sad about it! 🙂 I’ve loved getting more time with my little tribe.
So here we are at the end of January of 2021, with a vaccine becoming more available, a new president inaugurated after the most grueling presidential battle I can remember, many still battling, racism awareness blossoming amidst anger and peace. All mixed in together.
Covid has brought on Zoom gatherings too, can’t forget that, and as we begin this next year I am so deeply grateful for Zoom, Marco Polo, and all those other fancy video chat apps. I really am so grateful for technology!
Yep, this time right now, the beginning of 2021 is sure one for the books.
It will be so interesting to see how next year looks. I sure pray that it is maskless and filled up to the brim with hugs and human kindness. We sure are on an adventure!