A Little Good News
Another week has passed and it feels a little like we are living in the movie “Groundhog Day.” LOL!

I came across this post about liminal space and this strange, heartbreaking yet beautiful time we are living in. I want so much to apply and change and become more through this experience. I have been deeply pondering how to create and explore what beauty I can find through it all.
“Liminal space is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways. It is where we are betwixt and between, having left one room or stage of life but not yet entered the next. We usually enter liminal space when our former way of being is challenged or changed—perhaps when we lose a job or a loved one, during illness, at the birth of a child, or a major relocation. It is a graced time, but often does not feel “graced” in any way. In such space, we are not certain or in control. This global pandemic we now face is an example of an immense, collective liminal space.
“The very vulnerability and openness of liminal space allows room for something genuinely new to happen. We are empty and receptive—erased tablets waiting for new words. Liminal space is where we are most teachable, often because we are most humbled. Liminality keeps us in an ongoing state of shadowboxing instead of ego-confirmation, struggling with the hidden side of things, and calling so-called normalcy into creative question.”
—Richard Rohr, Between Two Worlds
Sunday, April 26, 2020
A really cool and good thing happened this week. Luke Air Force Base did a fly over to salute essential workers here in the Valley.

I love seeing people coming together even though we are still living separate/distanced. It makes me feel united thinking about how even though we are all at our individual homes watching this “Thank You”, we are all doing it together and we are all sending our Thanks to those who are sacrificing so much to help our most vulnerable.

Some more good news is that all of our high schools in Gilbert made the U.S. News & World Report ‘2020 Best High Schools in America’ list, and were recognized for their student’s academic performance. Pretty cool huh!?! 🙂

The executive order our Governor set was to expire April 30th. On April 29th he made an announcement.

I think a lot of people are glad things will be opening back up again. I’m grateful he’s using a measured approach before opening everything all at once.
Then on Monday he made another announcement.

Boy are my grey hairs thankful!!! LOL! I don’t know if I’m ready to go to the salon just yet, and my guess is I probably won’t even be able to get an appointment for a month or two because they are going to be slammed! LOL! But I’m ready to cover up those wild old lady hairs. 😛
Shortly after this news the boys’ work posted they will be reopening for take-out only. They still haven’t heard if they will be rehired yet. We are crossing our fingers!!!

Walker has been SLAMMED with school. He’s been doing hours and hours of homework, tests, presentations, projects, etc as his year is wrapping up.
This was an assignment he had to do for his Honors Biology class using Meet.Google.com. There are SO many different meeting apps these days it’s kinda crazy! LOL!
By the way, he killed it! I was listening in on his presentation and he is so well spoken and so stinkin’ smart! <3

My BIG news of the week is I finally found TP!!!! We were starting to get low and I was getting pretty nervous. You don’t even know how EXCITED I was about this!! Haha!!!! We really are living in a strange world right now. 😛

Jared had a work “Happy Hour” on Friday. I suggested he dress up for the occasion. 😀

Saturday was Jared’s mom’s birthday so we all got on a Facebook Messenger video call with his siblings to wish her a Happy Birthday!

Alayna has been asking about the Twilight series. I told her the movies were terrible but she didn’t care and still wanted to watch them. We got them for her and she was hooked! So I told her she really needed to read the books because they are a million times better. I put out an A.P.B. on the Relief Society Facebook page and asked if anyone had them and if we could borrow them. Sis. Fuller came to the rescue and we picked them up the same day.
She has a been in her room for several days devouring them. She can’t read them fast enough! She also agrees that the books are so much better than the movies! Haha!!! (Good girl! 😛 )

A little more good news is that Alayna was notified that she was selected as a WEB leader for next year! WooHoo! Congratulations!!!

Monday was fieldtrip day! We went to Alayna’s school to pick up her things from her P.E. locker. Thankfully we arrived early so the wait wasn’t too terrible. Might I also add, that she is a pack rat and had a giant bag of stuff shoved in that locker! LOL!

I thought the sign they made saying they missed the kids was so sweet. <3
Boy, this week was filled with lots of good things! One last “good news” for the week is that Eli’s Jazz Band placement audition results were posted. He made 1st chair, alto!!!! So proud of him! He is so talented!

In other news, I feel like we are reliving Bible stories in 2020. Now we are being warned to look out for Murder Hornets! What the heck!?! Look at the size of that thing!!!!

That pretty much wraps up this week! And I’ll leave you with one last meme that made me crack up! It’s soooo hard to stay out of the refrigerator when you don’t have much else to do! LOL!