President Russell M. Nelson’s Devotional

 We had the most incredible opportunity to see and hear our dear Prophet Russell M. Nelson speak to us along with his sweet wife at the State Farm Stadium in Glendale last night! Love this man of God and his beautiful spirit! He’s 94 years young and has more energy and vitality than men half his age! ❤️#followtheprophetaz
About 68,000 Latter Day Saints gathered to hear him. (Picture courtesy of one of the Church’s FB pages) 
 (Picture courtesy of one of the Church’s FB pages) 
 I snuck this pic of the woman sitting in front of me. She has way better handwriting than I do. LOL! 
Our family has never been in the same building as the Prophet. I was really excited to be there! <3 
From left to right: Kristen M. Oaks, Dallin H. Oaks (1st Counselor in the First Presidency) , Pres. Russell M. Nelson, and Wendy W. Nelson. Each of them spoke. 
Sis. Oaks quoted Jeffery R. Holland saying, “Salvation is not a cheap experience.” We must be prepared to walk the path the Savior walked. In our times of trial the Savior will sustain us.  He desires us to come to Him.
She also told of a friend and fellow Latter-day Saint in Chicago who, through her cancer diagnosis and treatment, has taught her the true meaning of relying on Jesus Christ during difficult times.
“When we met, I knew nothing of her condition,” Sister Oaks said. “I only felt the largeness of her soul, her desire to serve the Lord, and her great gratitude to Him for the gift of life and her family. It was only later as she confided to me her challenges and how the Lord had carried her and protected and comforted her that I realized I was watching the power of the Atonement in action. She was drawing on it, depending on it, and it was sustaining her. In our times of trial as we turn to Christ He will sustain us.”
Noting the many changes the Church has made to policies and procedures over the past year, President Oaks cautioned us to remember that a change of heart is what matters most.
“Change is almost always exciting,” President Oaks said. “The changes we have experienced in our Church meetings and policies should help us, but by themselves they won’t get our members to where our Heavenly Father wants us to be. The changes that make a difference to our position on the covenant path are not changes in Church policies or practices, but the changes we make in our own desires and actions.”
And then he quoted one of my very favorite Apostles, Neil A. Maxwell, “Some people would rather change the church than themselves.”
And he gave a summation of the last 2 General Conferences where Pres. Nelson gave us all challenges, instituted changes, and gave us Divine direction for our lives. 
Sister Nelson’s talk was my favorite. 
With Valentine’s Day only a few days away, Sister Nelson spoke of how that day can be both great and terrible — great for those who have someone to love, terrible for those suffering in loneliness.
“Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to feel the love They have for each of us. And the Savior says to you and to me, ‘If you love me, keep my commandments,’” Sister Nelson said. “What a wonderful Valentine gift we can give to our Heavenly Father and to our Savior — as we humble ourselves and open our hearts to receive Their love and as we keep the Lord’s commandments with ever increasing exactness.”
She also spoke about what it’s like to be the wife of the Prophet.  She bore testimony of her husband as the “living prophet of God on Earth.” She went on to share spiritual experiences and  described the many times she said her husband has been awoken during the night because he is receiving a message from God. Even when she’s really tired and doesn’t want to get up she’ll be prompted to do so so that he can receive revelation from Heavenly Father. But she joked and said her time isn’t wasted. She spends it doing family history work so her family (on the other side of the veil) keep her company and are happy! 
It was riveting to hear her give personal witness and insight on what it’s like being married and the help-meet to the Prophet of God. Her role is critical to his ability to serve the Lord and His people. Her faith and testimony must be just as firm and holy. It touched me deeply. 
President Nelson began his speech with a joke, “as the one on our high school football team who sat on the bench during most games, I must say this is an amazing sight — to be with you in a football stadium filled to the rafters.”
“Nelson then delved into a story about he and his wife, Wendy, visiting one of her young cousins two weeks ago. The cousin, whom he gave the pseudonym ‘Robert,’ is a Brigham Young University student who had just returned from a mission trip when he had a skiing accident that left him with a fractured spine, split sternum, broken ribs and no feeling in his legs.
“Nelson said family and friends fasted and prayed that God would heal Robert from his wounds, but said that they found comfort in knowing that ‘Robert is of Abraham.’ . . .
“Nelson said God’s ‘miracle’ of giving Abraham and Sarah a son, Isaac, even though they were considered too old to have children, could comfort Robert’s family as they prayed for a miracle with Robert’s recovery. He cited numerous other of God’s miracles to Abraham and the blessings that are available to all of us through the Abrahamic Covenant, and stated that so long as followers are true to their covenants, they would ‘have access to the power of God to do the seemingly impossible in our lives.'”
This was from Pres. Nelson’s FaceBook Page: 
Russell M Nelson
February 10 at 8:06 AM · 
Because I will be visiting and speaking with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and friends of other faiths in Arizona today, I received an invitation from the Arizona Republic to share some thoughts with their readership. I am always grateful for an opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings.
I wrote that for the last 35 years I have traveled the world, meeting with millions of men and women in more than 130 countries. I’ve witnessed the effects of poverty and wealth, seen the impact of education and the lack thereof, met the high in station and the humblest of souls, and been gratified by humanitarian outreach from so many who care deeply about the human condition—including the Church I now have the privilege of leading.
But the most profound thing I’ve witnessed is the unrivaled difference that belief in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, has in a person’s life. There is simply nothing to compare with the refining, ennobling strength and meaning that come into the life of a devoted believer and servant.
The Savior has the capacity to heal you from sin and sadness, from despair and heartache. I have felt this personally again and again.
I am including a link to the article here and invite you to read it if you would like. As you do, I encourage you to consider sharing how making God the center of your lives has filled your own heart with hope.

Last night was a blessing to be apart of! Sister Oaks even commented how there are 14 Apostles of the Lord on Earth today and 2 of them were there that night. We must be a very special people. I must agree! 😛 What a privilege it was! 

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