Back to School!!!

The kids went back to school today! To celebrate surviving another summer Jared & I went out for our traditional breakfast date after we dropped all of the kids off! 😛
We tried a new place in Downtown Gilbert that just opened up, called Snooze. It was delish!!!
Before that though, we did help the kids get ready and sent them off with hugs and kisses! 😛 This is a big year for the Kitch’s. We are canvasing every school this year…LOL!!!
Walker is a Sophomore at the High School. Eli is a 7th grader at the Jr. High. And Alayna is a 3rd grader at the Elementary School! Alayna has Mrs. Powell this year. 😀
Everyone made it home all in one piece and we chatted over chocolate chip cookies when they got home. Each of them said they had a GREAT day and it sounds like they all like their teachers. 😀 Win for the Kitch’s!!! 😀
We are ready to tackle this school year! Each of them shared their goals that they want to accomplish last night during Family Night. I love hearing what things are on their minds and what they want to focus on. I know they can do hard things and reach their goals if they put in the effort. 
Here’s to another year!!! 😀

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