Sexta Semana – (Sixth Week)
This week in the CCM District, 11B goes insane. Parties and English, oh my. Needless to say, my district and I are ready to get out there and start teaching. And I leave…
Quinto Semana – (Week 5)
Weekly Update from Elder Kitch! Not much to report. Lots of Spanish for certain. Starting to learn to use subjunctive which is a type of grammar that doesn’t even exist in English, so…
One Month Down!
One month down! Twenty three to go! 💙 I think we are finally starting to get into the groove of our new lives. It’s taken some adjustments and we all still have moments…
Primero y Segundo Semana (First and Second Week) – Elder Kitch’s First P-Day!
Walker had his first P-Day! Here is his letter. So today is my first Pday. Sorry for the delay. The first week here was rather interesting, mostly lots of orientation and meeting your…
Bienvenidos de Mexico
We got our 1st email from Elder Kitch Tuesday afternoon. the day he arrived at the MTC. I can’t tell you how happy it made my heart to hear from him. And today…