Jared’s brother Jeff turned 50 on June 28th. We went over and had a small bday celebration that day. What he didn’t know is his wife Bea planned to have a BIG surprise…
Happy Sweet 16!!!!
Sixteen years ago our little baby boy came into our lives. No matter where we went people were drawn to him. He was so happy all the time. He was calm and sweet…
Thoughts From Dad….
Jared has been working very hard the past couple of years. He’s working full-time, has a crazy busy calling at church, and is going back to school almost full-time! I don’t know how…
Father’s Day
Since Jared’s 40th bday wasn’t all he had hoped for with celebrating early because I was going to be at Girls Camp, and then ending up in the hospital and still being there…
Daddy Daughter Time!
Alayna has been wanting us to dye her hair. Jared suggested we use kool-aid. So the two of them went to the store and picked out some flavors! 😛 They were both very…
Close Call
Warning: This is a little long. As I mentioned in my previous post I have been very sick. It came on very suddenly. Tuesday May 31st I felt fine, was going about my…
Early 40th Birthday Celebration!!!
Someone is turning 40!!!!!! What the what?!?!!!!! Next Friday is Jared’s 40th Birthday! How is this possible? We met when he was 17! In a lot of ways I feel like we are…
Eli’s Golden Scholar
Eli had his Golden Scholar Ceremony yesterday! He’s had an extremely tough year with being out sick for 57 days of instruction! Yep you read that right! He’s missed almost 2 months of…
“The Fox and the Cheese Queen”
Alayna’s class had a Reader’s Theater yesterday. We got an official invite and everything! This was legit people! 😛 She’s only been talking about it for 2 weeks non-stop. I’m not totally…
Sixteen Years….
It was 8 years ago today Jared was officially diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) but had been having episodes for 8 years prior to that. (It had just been misdiagnosed before then.) Nothing…