• Eli’s New Calling

    Eli was called and set apart on Sunday to be the new Deacon’s Quorum 2nd Counselor! 🙂 I had to post this. It just expresses his personality to a “T”! LOL!!  We are…

  • NControl Driving School

    We’ve been teaching Walker to drive for almost a year now. Even though he only got his permit during Spring Break. It’s been a little nerve wracking to say the least. I don’t…

  • “Do I Believe”

    I guess it’s the The Kitch family’s turn to help out with Sacrament Meeting. 🙂 Walker gave a talk in Sacrament on Sunday. Enjoy! First I would like to talk about Brother O’Loughlin…

  • A Priest

    Walker turned 16 which means he is now a Priest!  In the Doctrine and Covenants Section 20 verse 46-47 it explains the duties of a Priest.  “46)The priest’s duty is to preach, teach, expound, exhort,and baptize, and administer the sacrament, 47)And visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to  all family duties.” Priesthood bearers are agents…

  • Our Summer….

    This summer won’t go down in the books as the most fun one we’ve ever had. I have been recovering all summer which has left the kids with not much to do. This…

  • Happy 19th Anniversary!

    Tuesday the 26th was our 19th Anniversary! Our wedding day seems like forever ago but it also feels just like yesterday! This is Jared’s favorite picture from our wedding. He says I didn’t…

  • Sneaky Girls!

    Tuesday morning we woke up to this! We thought it was one of the boys’ friends since they are usually the culprits. However, I found out later that day it was actually my…

  • Why The Church?

    A few weeks ago Jared was asked to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting. I don’t usually publicly share our talks or lessons on my blog but it was so good I felt…

  • Miracles

    Do you believe in miracles??? I do!!!   We got the test results back for all 3 kids and Jared and they are all negative!! I don’t know how Jared didn’t get it. He was…