• Sister Kitch

    Our Primary leaders are awesome! They get the kids involved and I love that they take and share pictures occasionally.  I love getting to peek into what they do during Sharing Time! 🙂…

  • Never Too Old To Learn!

    Jared is a great dad! I love that he is willing to try new things for his kids. His first attempt at a french braid turned out pretty well! ❤️

  • New “to us”!

    Last November Walker was in a hit and run accident that totaled his poor little Kia Spectra. He’s been without a car all this time. We thought we’d be able to share my…

  • Back to School!!!

    Back to school! 🚸   Eli is a Sophomore and Alayna is in 6th grade! Summer flew by!    It was a little strange not having Walker in the mix of back to school…

  • John’s 75th Birthday Reunion

     Jared’s dad turned 75 in May. All the kids decided they should get together and celebrate his big milestone bday during the summer. The last time John had all of his kids together…

  • Our 21st Anniversary!

    Celebrating our 21st anniversary early! 💘  Jared will be out of town next week, so we decided to have a romantic dinner at home. I even got him to dance with me!   When…

  • Swim Meet- Championships!

    Here we are again for another swim meet! Last night was the Championships! The final meet of the season. It was another hot, humid, sweaty night! LOL!  The whole family came out to…