• We’re Going On a Mission

    Not sure how I missed blogging about this, but better late than never! ๐Ÿ˜›Last May, our Primary had an Activity Day that sent them on a mission. It was a so creative and…

  • But We Live in AZ!!

    Saturday we went to Eli’s game and the weather has been really kinda crazy. One week it will be 50 degrees out for the high and the next it will be in the…

  • On FIRE!!

    One of the many things I admire about Eli is his determination. This guy has fire in his eyes about football this year. He started out the season fairly ‘green’ as they say…to…

  • Would You Could You In Box??

    Last week in Joy School we read:After we finished reading it, we had ‘real’ green eggs and ham for snack time! ;D The girls were a little nervous at first but then once…

  • Final Project

    Each student in Oceanography Club had to do a final project before they went on their trip to San Diego. They were assigned an sea animal and could choose to do a poster,…

  • Walker’s Oceanography Trip – 2011

    Friday Walker had his trip to San Diego, CA with Oceanography Club. He was buzzing with excitement all week and the night before he couldn’t hardly sleep! ๐Ÿ˜› Jared and I both got…

  • Here we go Cardinals, Here we go!!

    Saturday Eli played his first game of flag football! He’s been playing football at recess and apparently he’s pretty good. The older kids pass him the ball and let him run plays and…

  • Taylor Family Reunion 2010

    I’m not sure what brought about this reunion earlier than usual this time around. Jared’s family usually has their family reunion every 2 years but this year they decided to have it 1.5…

  • Rudolph With Your Nose So Bright!!

    Eli brought his usual Mt. Everest size pile of papers home from school just before Christmas Break, and as I was sorting through the massive stack, I found this little gem! I thought…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!!We spent Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad’s as is our tradition. Mom really wanted all the kids to perform a song either on their instrument or to sing one. It was…