• Ward Campout 2011

    Friday we had our Ward Campout at Usery Mountain Park in Apache Junction. The Ward decided to have it close to home since not everyone likes to camp, and it would allow people…

  • Trap-O-Matic

    Walker had his 3rd and final Pinewood Derby Race as a Cub Scout last week. He’s had a great theme running for the previous 2 years, and this year, he finished it off…

  • Happy 60th Birthday Dad!!

    We celebrated Dad’s 60th Birthday on Sunday (his actual birthday is today). The family went over for dinner. Dad likes to stay home and grill every year. It was a nice and relaxing…

  • Take Me Out To The Garden

    Eli’s 2nd grade program was a little over a week ago. It was super cute and you could tell he really enjoyed singing the songs. He was so animated and put on a…

  • My Cousin Joe, The Army Man!

    Recently Walker was given an assignment in ALP Language to write about a person he looks up to. This is what he wrote: I can’t tell you how much this melts my heart!…

  • Digging up the Past

    The last few weeks I’ve been feeling this urge that I should start doing genealogy again. The promptings have been coming at odd times..like reading Harry Potter. What??? Weird I know…LOL! So on…

  • What Did You Learn Today??

    On our way home from church today I asked Alayna, “What did you learn today in Primary?”She said, “Preschool.”Me,”Preschool? What is Preschool?”Alayna, “Preschool Power!” Me, thinking, thinking…trying to figure out what she means.…

  • Back Again…

    Ever since Jared had his mini episode last Saturday he hasn’t been the same. He’s been extremely fatigued and just can’t seem to get over feeling crummy. This past Saturday his low back…

  • Watching Over Me

    Last night we had a Relief Society ‘Art Appreciation’ Meeting. We had two speakers. The first speaker took pieces of art, centered around Jesus, from history and helped us to better understand the…

  • Our Valentine

    Eli is such a sweetheart!For Valentine’s Day he brought Jared and me breakfast in bed (Apple Jacks and milk), and wrote us a song! (Please excuse the handwriting, he’s usually a bit neater.…