Fender Bender

Walker was heading over to the mechanic to have his 2006 Honda Accord looked at. His sway bar needed repairs. On the freeway traffic came to an abrupt stop and unfortunately Walker was caught up in the long line of cars and rear-ended the lady in front of him. Darn it!!!

They exchanged information and he called us to let us know. I was meeting him out in Tempe to drive him home after he dropped his car off. Now that he’d been in an accident we weren’t sure if we should still go out there but we decided we should get their thoughts on the severity of the damage.

So that’s what we did and they basically said it needs to be seen at a body shop.

Walker got an estimate and without looking under the hood it was going to be about $2800. Once we got the hood open we could see there was frame issues and it was going to be much more than that. The old gal was a loss.

The timing of this just was so strange since we had literally JUST sold Jared’s car and bought a new one ourselves! So weird!

The good news in all of this is that no one was hurt. The damage to the lady’s car was to the rear bumper and the impact had bent her hitch. Walker has insurance and she will be taken care of. She actually was super nice and patient through this whole process. And she happened to be a member of the church too!

Another blessing is that when we were searching for Jared’s car we came across a 2015 Mazda3 over at Berge Mazda. Jared bought his 2005 Mazda there, and over the years he’s gotten all kinds of emails from them. But none have ever been for a car for sale. They’ve usually been, “come down and trade in your car” or “your car needs service” or random things like that.

So, we went and looked at it. It was a great price at around $10k (before tax, title, registration, etc.) but it had a few more miles than we wanted and they had literally just got it in as a trade and hadn’t cleaned it up at all. An older lady with a million dogs and cats owned it and the car was in rough shape. It needed a DEEP cleaning. We ended up passing on it once we found the 2017 Mazda.

We had prayed about both cars that day when we were trying to make a decision. We’d felt good about buying either car. They both had pros and cons but we were having a hard time making the final decision. We went to lunch to think it over and as we sat there I really started to feel like the 2017 was the better choice for us. So we purchased it.

But once we came to the conclusion Walker would need to purchase a new vehicle I had remembered that 2015 Mazda. Jared called the sales guy he’d been talking to and he said it had JUST come out of the shop, had been detailed, and we could come down and look at it and test drive it! We thought for sure that car would have sold over the weekend. There were several people looking at it that day. But Heavenly Father provided for Walker and held onto it for him. 🙂 And now I feel certain why we felt good about both cars is because He knew what laid ahead for our family even though we didn’t.

Walker went and test drove it and we got them to agree to fix a few things and the deal was done!

He actually has been budgeting so well he had enough money saved to pay cash. I’m so incredibly proud of him! And after a few hours all the paperwork was signed and he took his new car home!

It’s a really nice car and has lots of upgrades from his Honda.

Praying this vehicle will be reliable and keep him safe!

Really happy for Walker and how everything lined up so well during such a stressful time. God was in the details 100%!!