Saying Good-bye…
Jared’s dad passed away on March 3rd. Because all of the kids live out of state the funeral had to be postponed until the18th. And sadly our kids weren’t able to come.

There were a lot of tender mercies during this time. One of which was Utah and Idaho have been getting record breaking snow. We were really nervous driving up with our limited experience. But the Lord was aware of us and literally parted the snowy skies for us! Although it was very cold, there was no snowfall during our entire trip.

We caravanned up with Jen and Natalie in our car and Jeff and Bea following behind in theirs. We only had one strange detour along the way but it was so funny, and felt like John may have been playing a prank on us, so it was worth it! LOL!

We got there on late Thursday night. We got up early Friday so we could meet with Jared’s step-mom, Linda, to go to the funeral home to make some last minute decisions and final plans.
When we pulled up to their home I think the reality of walking inside and knowing his dad wouldn’t be there to to greet him and say, “Hello kiddo!” As he so often did, wasn’t going to happen this time. Jared was very emotional and had to take a minute alone to collect himself. <3
It’s difficult to know exactly how to support a loved one who has lost a parent (or anyone they deeply loved for that matter). You feel a little helpless.
We spent most of the day with Linda and her kids that live not too far. She really was happy to have a house full. She said it was what she needed. We were happy we could be there to support her and love on her.
Saturday morning, the day of the funeral, we woke up to this…
Isn’t it beautiful?

It makes me pause and think of how many sunrises are watched by families grieving after a loss of a loved one.
A little back history about John, Jared’s dad…John, had been having some health issues. This last year or so has been difficult in many ways for him. Jared’s sister, Jonita, had actually just visited him a week or so before and he was in good spirits and nothing indicated that his time was coming to an end. She said it was a good visit and she had since returned home to Texas. On the morning of March 3rd, John, had woken up around 2am and fell out of bed. He was alert but was unable to respond to Linda when she was asking him questions. She called 911 and shortly after the ambulance arrived he’d passed. They think it was a heart attack.
The last couple of years he’d been talking more and more about returning to his Heavenly Father. He wasn’t able to leave the house much. He had very limited mobility. Linda did her best to be his caretaker. But he was having more falls and as you can image he was frustrated.
I’m so grateful Jared was able to visit him last year (exactly a year ago actually) when him and Alayna were in Utah for a volleyball tournament. They took an afternoon and drove up to Tremonton to see him. Another tender mercy. <3

This was the only picture he remembered to take. So grateful he got at least one!
At the funeral home we were able to get some great photos of the families.

Jared made a wonderful celebration of life video montage. It was so moving and at the end he was able to put a voicemail that his dad left for his sister Jen that she’d saved. It was so emotional to hear his voice one last time. So touching. <3
I also absolutely LOVE this photo of Jared watching and honoring his father’s life. It just touches my heart in such a deep and profound way. It brings tears to my eyes. <3

The funeral was lovely. Two of his daughters (Jonita & Julie) and his sister (Jean) and brother (Joel) honored him beautifully in their eulogies. John loved music. It was such an integral part of his life. He shared that love with his kids and that’s a legacy that’s being passed down to his grandchildren. He had an unwavering and powerful testimony of his Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Everyone who knew him knew of his love and reverence for Them. And though his relationship has been complicated with his children over the years, they each knew, especially in these most recent years, that he loved them deeply.

After the service we drove up to Malad, Idaho where he was laid to rest.

Jared dedicated the grave site. It was a sweet and special experience for him. He said afterwards that it wasn’t until that was complete that he felt like he was able let go, feel at peace, and feel closure.

The Relief Society in Linda and John’s ward put on a nice luncheon for us. So grateful for those sweet sisters ‘mourning with those who mourn and comforting those in need of comfort’ through their selfless act of service.

Sunday morning came quickly and we got on the road early. It took us 16 hours of traveling on the way up and we didn’t want to be on the road that long again. It was a very, very cold 28 degrees as you can see on the car’s thermostat. I’m an Arizona girl through and through and it’s for this reason I don’t live anywhere else! LOL!

We made pretty good time getting home but it was a long emotional weekend as you can imagine.
John is the first of our parents to pass so this is all new territory for us. Not that I think it gets any easier. You will always love and miss your parents. Grief is so individual and looks different for each person and with each loved one who leaves this earth.
I’m so thankful for the plan of salvation and the knowledge that this life isn’t the end. That we will get to see our family again and live with them for all time and eternity. I’m grateful for the Gospel and for our Savior Jesus Christ who gave all so that we could return to Him again. Words never seem to be enough when I think about His ultimate sacrifice for each and every one of us, because He LOVES us completely and unconditionally!