Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!
The time has come and Jared’s parents made the big move from Texas to Arizona! We couldn’t be happier to have them back!
I wrote a little about what spurred this decision back here if you want to read more.
I’m so glad they took some pictures before they left. Aren’t they the sweetest and cutest couple!?!
Rich peeking out the front door. 😀
The farm really is a piece of heaven on earth! Just stunning! We are sad to say good-bye to it. Rita was born and raised here. We all have fond memories of the peace and tranquility being out in God’s Country. The memories we’ve all made visiting and the family reunions held here. We celebrated Alayna’s 1st Birthday on the Farm even! Special times!
That “Howdy Yall!” sign was made years ago for a family reunion they hosted in the summer of 2009. It has been there ever since and they actually brought it with them to Arizona! Love it!
On the left is the the moving crew that helped pack up things in Texas and some of them made the drive back to AZ.
The center picture is a tender reminder that God is always aware of us. Rita sent it in a text with this message: “Left Las Cruces about 9:16am with a promise for the future!”
And the picture on the right was the AZ moving crew. We met them at the storage unit to unload the U-Haul. They said it went much faster than loading it up. We’ll take their word for it. 🙂
The house their friend Candee is renting them needed some updates. New flooring was installed as well as things to help make it easier for them to get in and out of the shower etc. So they have been staying with Jared’s brother Jeff and his wife Bea for the last 2 months.
The house is finally ready and the crew assembled once again! It was only 108 degrees! LOL!
Back Row: Friend, Friend, Rich (Pampa), Eli, Alayna, Vanessa, Kurt, David, Jeff, Jared, Jacob, Little Jared
We are so thrilled to have them back in AZ and just 2 miles away from us. And I’m so happy for our kids that they will get to know their Grandparents even better!
Welcome Home Rich & Rita!