Lock-down…Week 3
I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks since all of this has started. The kids technically have been home now 4 weeks, since the 1st week they were already home on Spring Break.
These memes sum up how we are feeling right now….LOL!
I am trying to keep things in perspective however, and I LOVED this quote I found from Joseph B. Wirthlin.

The kids are getting desperate. No friends are allowed to come over and no school has made them desperate for interaction. They have resorted in playing with EACH OTHER!! haha!!!
I’m teasing…they love each other, they do. But it’s not the same for them I know.

Alayna’s volleyball coaches have been great about trying to keep their community strong. They are sending daily workouts for them to do. Jared has been joining in. 🙂 This workout was a killer for both of them!

They boys have been pumping iron.

They swear that their faces turning 76 colors of red is “normal” when lifting. Freaks me right out! LOL!

I’ve had a bench on my front porch for years and it was getting weathered pretty bad. We took it apart, put it in the garage, bought all the stuff to refinish it and never did anything with it. That was probably 4 years ago or so. We dug it out and found all the supplies and the boys have started sanding it. I’m really excited for this project to get done!!! Yay!!!

This is how Sammy feels about everything….Living his best life! 😛

Saturday and Sunday was General Conference.

With social distancing and trying to keep everyone safe there were a lot of changes to Conference. They didn’t hold it at the Conference Center but at a building close by. No one was in the audience except for those who were necessary to broadcast, speak, and say prayers.
President Nelson said in October’s Conference that April’s General Conference, “will be not only memorable; it will be unforgettable.” He sure was right!!!
Just looking at these pictures makes my heart ache for when we can all be together again.
One of the highlights on Sunday was that Pres. Nelson invited us all to join in a Solemn Assembly and perform the Hosanna shout. I think this was not only to commemorate the 200th year anniversary of the Restoration of the Gospel, but also to ask God to hear and answer our prayers as he also invited us all to join in another world wide inter-faith fast on Good Friday.

This was yet ANOTHER first in our home. It was so special and tender to me to gather as a family and join with thousands of others (who were gathered as we were) and shout Hosanna to our Lord!
It gave us an opportunity to teach and share the sacredness of this act with our children.

The Prophet also announced that we have a new logo replacing the Angel Moroni to bring the focus of all we do towards our Savior Jesus Christ.
And since it was Conference we of course had treats! Our traditional cinnamon rolls which Alayna helped me make for the first time. 🙂 And Eli wanted caramel popcorn but we didn’t have the ingredients for our regular recipe. I found another one and it is like the the kind you buy in the Christmas tins during the holidays but 100 times better! We found a new favorite!!! Yum!!
This was one of my very favorite quotes from Conference this weekend. It filled my heart with so much hope! I can’t quite articulate everything I feel about it right now, but maybe I’ll do a separate post when I do.