Counting My Blessings…

It was 5 years ago today Jared was officially diagnosed with
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)…His last full blown relapse was 6 years ago. It was
the hardest thing we’ve ever gone through. Words cannot describe how terrifying
it is when your spouse can’t even remember who you are or if he ever would
again. Alayna was just 6 months old, Eli was 4 yrs. old and Walker was 6 yrs.
old. You can imagine all of the things that weighed on my mind at that time.

In February 2011, he had a minor episode which was brought on by being in the sun/heat too long. It caused a migraine, speech issues, very weak arms especially in his left arm and his vision was affected.. We checked in with his neurologist who ordered another MRI and they told him he needs to be be much more careful about getting overheated and taking better care of his health. MS patients have marked heat intolerance. They gave him some steroids to help bring down the swelling and told him to rest as much as possible.  It was just a minor episode thankfully and he hasn’t had what he experienced back in 2007 since, praise the Lord! He has become much more aware how much the heat really does affect him now, which is hard since we live in the desert.

Today I want to thank my Father in Heaven for all of the many
blessings He has provided our family over these past few years. Some have been
large, some have been small but, in every way they have been a testament of His
love for our family and His guiding hand. There have been bumps along the way
that have been difficult but as we put our faith in the Lord our worries have
been diminished. It has helped us prepare for our future and most importantly
it has helped us to never take a single day together for granted!! I love you

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