My kids are growing…..
I was all excited to dye Easter Eggs with the kids and I could only get Eli and Alayna to do them with me. Actually, let me correct myself….
I was able to get Eli to dye this “one” egg…Walker was too busy playing video games.
This is why we have Alayna. 😛 She was soooo “egg-cited” to decorate Easter Eggs. It made it all worth it. 😀 Thanks Laney Bug!
As you can see her and her Daddy were having a ball!
She’s sitting so proudly with her fine egg dying master pieces!
Nice work baby girl. Thanks for indulging your Mom in a fun tradition. Even if those “old” brothers wouldn’t. 🙂
Jill Ison
maybe its a boy thing because we didn’t have time to dye eggs and Kassidy cried real tears and pouted for like an hour or two. natalie wasnt too happy bout it either. At least jared and alayna had fun right??
I suppose it could be a “boy” thing..but Eli loves this sort of thing..not sure what was going on this year. Walker was pretty normal though…could care less about it. 😛
Okay, those pictures of Jared & Alayna are just about the cutest things I've ever seen! There is nothing sweeter than a dad that loves his daughter so much.
I know…he’s a great dad! 😛