• White Water Rafting in Moab

    Summer adventures continue for this girl! We were home from California Saturday night and she’s off bright and early this (Monday) morning for Moab, UT to white water raft down the Colorado River!!!…

  • Last Lunch & Setting Apart

    Today was full of more family, packing, getting last minute things, a movie, and being set apart as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Jared’s…

  • Goofy Kids

    We had Stake Conference over the weekend. Our Stake Presidency was released and a new Presidency was called. President Layton has been a WONDERFUL Stake President and has been working so closely with…

  • Seminary Graduation!

    Walker graduated from Seminary last night!!  LOVE that smile!!!  It takes a lot of work and is a commitment to strive to complete all of the requirements for  Seminary graduation all while staying…

  • Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

    A once in a lifetime opportunity came to the youth in our Stake…and 9 other Stakes in our area. An Apostle of the Lord, Jeffrey R. Holland, came to our Stake Center, the…