• Belated Thanksgiving Lunch

    Alayna’s teacher invited all of the parents in for a Thanksgiving Luncheon last week. Unfortunately, she became sick so it was postponed to today! 🙂 Alayna invited both Jared and me and she…

  • Kind of a Bummer…..

    Here’s another throwback to two years ago….Alayna was 6 and Eli was 10. Eli: I’m sad you and dad can’t come on my field-trip today. Me: We are too. Alayna: You know..sometimes I…

  • Good-bye Primary….

    I’ve served in Primary in some shape or form for about 12 years. Sunday I was just sustained and set apart to serve in the Young Women’s Program as a Mia Maid Adviser.…

  • Julie & Dave’s AZ Visit!

    Jared’s sister Julie and her new fiance’ Dave came through on their way to Florida last night. Julie has lived in Washington State for many years, but her boys are grown now and…

  • Ward Campout & Tonto Natural Bridge

    We had our ward campout over the weekend! We always try to go every year since we aren’t big campers and Alayna doesn’t get to go camping very often. The boys go all…

  • Disney Trip Summer 2015- Day 3

    We woke up bright and early and were at the park by 9am when the gates opened! 🙂 We were ready to finally get this vacation rolling!!! We decided to go to DCA…

  • Disney Trip Summer 2015 – Day 2

    The next day we were planning to go to the beach. We had promised Alayna we would go but when we went to the parking garage and started the van…it wouldn’t start. (Remember…

  • Mother’s Day!

    Mother’s Day was yesterday! Jared got me roses and the kids each made me a card. 🙂 Eli’s Card My favorite part was of course the Haiku!!! LOL! He’s so funny! 😛 Alayna’s…

  • Harris’ Spring Break Visit!

    Jonita and Allen came to visit for Spring Break! It was so good to see them and to have the family get together. 🙂 We took a few group pictures before they had…

  • Cinderella!!!!

    We took the family to see the new live action movie, “Cinderella”. I have been anxiously waiting for it to be released. I was uncertain of what to expect since I didn’t really…