Happy Valentine’s Day!
I “may” have a chocolate problem! I bought these boxes of chocolates for two weekends in a row! I’m blaming the marketing people for putting them in pretty red heart-shaped packaging. Silver lining…
Valentine’s Day
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day this year…I sure did!!!! <3 Jared isn’t usually one to plan ahead for holidays, anniversaries and such, but this year he really surprised me!!!…
February Family Temple Day!
Since it’s February I thought it would be fun to do a little “loving service” for the patrons that came to the Temple that day. I made these little heart notes and we…
My Little Valentine!
Alayna’s class had their Valentine Party today. She asked me to come and I couldn’t say not to that sweet face! 🙂 They passed out their Valentine’s, ate tons of sweets, snacks, and…
Our Little Valentine!
Alayna had her 1st Grade Program last night! Since it was the day before Valentine’s Day it was themed after the holiday. 🙂 It was called “Best Friends Forever!” She was so excited…
Our Valentine
Eli is such a sweetheart!For Valentine’s Day he brought Jared and me breakfast in bed (Apple Jacks and milk), and wrote us a song! (Please excuse the handwriting, he’s usually a bit neater.…