50 Meter Freestyle
Swim Team is rapidly coming to a close. We only have 2 weeks left! Alayna absolutely has loved it and we love her passion! Tonight she raced in the 50 Meter Freestyle. She’s…
Individual Medley
Alayna had another swim meet tonight. We weren’t sure she would even make it. That morning she wasn’t feeling well and missed practice. By that evening she felt she could tough through it…
Please Remember…..
Today when I logged into FaceBook it popped up a post I made a year ago. Alayna: “If I go out with a boy and he only like me because I’m pretty and…
“Pushing Her Limits”
Alayna had her 3rd swim meet last night. She had been in the pool all day. She went to practice that morning, turned around and went to her friend’s swim birthday party for…
Alayna’s 2nd Swim Meet
Alayna missed her swim meet last week since we were out of town. She was dying for Thursday to come so she could compete again. This girl loves competition! 😛 She’s in the…
Disney Trip Summer 2015- Day 5
Our last day!!! We went back to Downtown Disney after breakfast. It was too late and dark to get a good pic of the kids and their cars and I wanted to make…
Disney Trip Summer 2015- Day 4
Our last day at Disneyland and again the weather was GORGEOUS! The crowds were minimal and we loved every minute of it! 🙂 Alayna wanted to cross another ride off of her list…
Disney Trip Summer 2015- Day 3
We woke up bright and early and were at the park by 9am when the gates opened! 🙂 We were ready to finally get this vacation rolling!!! We decided to go to DCA…
Disney Trip Summer 2015 – Day 2
The next day we were planning to go to the beach. We had promised Alayna we would go but when we went to the parking garage and started the van…it wouldn’t start. (Remember…
Disney Trip Summer 2015 – Day 1
Jared’s childhood friend Keahon works in Downtown Disney. When Jared lost his job 2 years ago he reached out to us and said when we get back on our feet he would love…