• Christmas Traditions

    A few years ago we went to see Mamaw and Pampa on the Farm in Texas at Christmas. When we were there Mamaw made her famous peanut brittle. The next year Eli and…

  • Alayna’s 9th Birthday Party!

    This girl is turning 9!! She wanted cupcakes at her party so Thursday after school we whipped up a batch of chocolate cupcakes. She’s getting pretty good at baking! 🙂 Friday we had…

  • For the Memory Book…

    Love these kids of mine! 😛 Alayna (4 years old) says she knows Gaston (from Beauty and the Beast) doesn’t like Belle. Because..in her own words “He loves me!!!”  What do I do…

  • Alayna’s Christmas Chorus Concert

    Alayna had her Christmas Concert last night! She loves to sing and is always singing around the house. 🙂 She helped write some of the lyrics for “The 12 Days of Christmas” and…

  • Belated Thanksgiving Lunch

    Alayna’s teacher invited all of the parents in for a Thanksgiving Luncheon last week. Unfortunately, she became sick so it was postponed to today! 🙂 Alayna invited both Jared and me and she…

  • Daddy Daughter Hoe Down!!!

    Our Ward had their Daddy Daughter Dance Friday night. Alayna has been so excited about it since it was announced. 🙂 Ever since we went to Tombstone she’s been wanting a cowgirl outfit…

  • Happy Halloween!

    So amidst all the crazy wedding happenings the next night was Halloween! Jonita and Nicole came over to go Trick or Treating with us but, before that we had a pumpkin to carve!…

  • Kind of a Bummer…..

    Here’s another throwback to two years ago….Alayna was 6 and Eli was 10. Eli: I’m sad you and dad can’t come on my field-trip today. Me: We are too. Alayna: You know..sometimes I…

  • Trunk or Treat- Chili Cook-Off!!!!

    We had our Ward Trunk or Treat and Annual Chili Cook-Off last night! Alayna was a Feline Fairy, Eli was Batman, and Walker was Spiderman! LOL! I used to go all out and…