• Spartan Super Race

    Eli ran in his first Spartan race with some buddies from AFROTC! He had a BLAST!! He loves this kind of stuff. Trying new things. Pushing himself to his limits. Seeing what he…

  • October AFROTC Recap

    Eli training Cadets who are trying to earn a spot in Arnold Air. His Det. also had Dining-In which was Halloween themed. He wore one of Jared’s outfits and he looked SO handsome!…

  • September AFROTC Recap

    Eli made it into several spotlight photos in his Det’s newsletter! He’s continuing to make a name for himself and show that he’s committed to being a great Cadet. He’s also one of…

  • May AFROTC & Field Training Prep

    Eli’s Sophomore year wrapped up but not without a big push to get ready for Field Training first! He earned his EA Slot (Enrollment Allocation Slot). This has weighed on his mind all…

  • April AFROTC

    Eli is juggling a lot right now. I feel like I say this every time I write a post about him. LOL! But that doesn’t make it less true. 😉 AFROTC is a…

  • Welcome to The Space Force!!

    We got this fun surprise text from Eli today!!! He was accepted into the U.S. Space Force! He interviewed way back in January and he finally got the call! We are ecstatic!!! 13…

  • Well Earned!

    Eli and his detachment went through Field Training Preparation (FTP). It was a long night! They put the cadets through a rigorous workout and push them to their limits. He also made it…

  • February AFROTC Service Project

    Eli is so busy with school, homework, work, AFROTC, and still trying to manage a social life. But somehow he manages to juggle it all. I do find him crashed out on the…

  • January AFROTC Recap

    Eli’s still rockin’ it in the Air Force. He’s been volunteering, leading, and proving himself to be an excellent Cadet. He was also given a new responsibility as the Cadet Wing Executive Officer.…

  • November AFROTC

    Eli continues to have all sorts of cool experiences in AFROTC! Here’s a few pictures and summaries from their social media page. 🙂 ABC 15 did a piece on their Salute to Service!…