• High School is Rough!!!

    The other day Walker came home from school and within 15 minutes I hear snoring from the other room. I came out to see who it was and I found him like this!!!!…

  • Gettin’ Old Ins’t For Sissies!

    Monday morning Jared woke up in the worst pain of his life. He couldn’t move his neck. He was pretty scared, which if you know him, he doesn’t get worried too easily. So…

  • Walking Pneumonia

    Here we go ….again….. Alayna has had this horrible cough for weeks on end. Sunday she woke up sounding and looking worse than ever and I decided it was time to take her…

  • Ward Christmas Breakfast

    We had our annual Ward Christmas Breakfast on Saturday. Everyone was invited to wear their pj’s, bring a friend, and come hungry!!! 🙂  The Primary Children sang as a part of the entertainment!…

  • Pulmanologist

    Ever since Walker was little he’s snored like an old man. We did scan of his adenoids back when he was in kindergarten but the pediatrician felt they weren’t enlarged enough to take…

  • Shinanigans

    Alayna was telling us her friend tell her she does the BEST Batman impression. We asked her to share it with us.   She not only has the cool deep voice impression she…

  • Spirit Week

    It was Spirit Week! I didn’t remember to take pictures every day but I did do 2 out of 5! LOL!!! Disney Day was the 1st day. She went as the Mad Hatter.…

  • Works of Art

    I just love seeing what Alayna can do with her art! Here are few she’s been working on.  Note: I don’t love anime style but as long as she continues to try to…

  • So This is What 40 Looks Like….

    I’m not really quite sure what to say….I turned 40!!! My brain can’t quite comprehend what that means. How have I lived 40 years of my life already??? It’s boggling! LOL!!! So I…

  • Christmas Traditions

    We like to put up the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving. We stayed home from church since I was missing everyone and they were still recovering from their super fun vacation! 🙂  I…