• Flashback- 1 year ago- 2016

    I’m loving these Facebook memories! Here was one that popped up for today! 😛  Conversation with Alayna this morning…. Alayna: I’m worried that when summer comes I’m just going to sit around and…

  • They That Were Wise

    I gave a lesson on Sunday about the 10 Virgins to the Young Women. Since it’s Easter I tried to bring some of Christ’s parables into building our testimonies of the Restoration. The…

  • Flashback- 3 years ago- 2014

    Here is another fun memory thanks to Facebook that I had forgotten about! 🙂  Eli Kitch is a stud! He wanted to test himself to see how long he could tread water in…

  • Keepin’ It Real

    The Spring sickness has hit us. It’s not always glamorous, but I want to remember the snuggles I get when my kids are still willing to cuddle up with me. 

  • Spring Pictures

    This girl is growing right before our very eyes! She is quickly becoming a lovely young lady! Love her spunk, whit, and love for everyone she meets!  I can’t believe the school year…

  • General Conference 2017

     We did General Conference a little different this time around. Jared was in Atlanta for work so it was just me and the kids. We had a nice weekend filled to the brim…

  • Flashback- 8 Years Ago -2009

    Facebook has a neat little app that shows you past memories of posts you’ve made. Today a little “gem” popped up!  I just found Alayna (2 yrs. old) in her room. She had…

  • Happy Birthday In Heaven!

    Today would have been my Grandma Donher’s 87th birthday! She has been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve felt her very close. I had a very tender experience at the Temple last…

  • Rogers Canyon

    Eli and his Scout Troop had a campout last night and then hiked Rogers Canyon today.  Setting up camp! Brian, Dallin, Bro. Frank, Derek, Devon, Eli & Tanner Heading out early for their…

  • Stranded!!!

    Two days after his car battery died this happened last night!!! He changed the tire and put the spare on and then as he was about a third of the way home this…