• Seminary Graduation!

    Walker graduated from Seminary last night!!  LOVE that smile!!!  It takes a lot of work and is a commitment to strive to complete all of the requirements for  Seminary graduation all while staying…

  • Orchestra Concert & Swim Meet 50m Freestyle

     Busy night! Alayna had her orchestra concert and had a duet with her BFF. I should also mention this is her first year playing the cello! ❤️   Alayna is becoming such a beautiful…

  • Walker’s Senior Pictures!

    I’m a little late getting these done but better late than never right?!? 😉 This year has FLOWN BY, and maybe I’m in a little bit of denial, but Walker is graduating next…

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    Mother’s Day started out with our adorable Primary children singing to us. Alayna is of course the most adorable one. 😛 She’s so tall! This is her last year in Primary! 🙂   I…

  • End of the Year Band Concert

    Eli had his final band concert of the year. All of the bands played the soundtracks to different movies. The timing had to be perfect to get it to line up just right…

  • Golden Scholars….Walker’s LAST ONE!

    This school year is wrapping up! Band concerts, orchestra concerts, award ceremonies and an upcoming graduation are in full swing!!  Today my heart is full!! ❤️❤️ Walker just received his last Golden Scholar…

  • Kids Are Home….

    Kids are home since the #RedforEd is still ongoing and they are watching “A Bug’s Life”. 🦗🐜🐛🦋 Brings back so many memories! Love my crew!! ❤️❤️ #familytime #thisrarelyhappens #iwishicouldfreezetime #theyaremyheart

  • Mamaw’s 75th Birthday!!

    Rita is 3/4’s of a century!! LOL!!! She celebrated her milestone birthday at the farm in Texas. We so wished we could be there with her but sadly we couldn’t. Jared’s sister Jonita…

  • Piano Recital

    Alayna had a piano recital last night. Her teacher has had small recitals before but this year she joined with her mom who is also piano teacher and Alayna got to perform for…