Quinto Semana – (Week 5)
Weekly Update from Elder Kitch! Not much to report. Lots of Spanish for certain. Starting to learn to use subjunctive which is a type of grammar that doesn’t even exist in English, so…
Summer Coaching
Alayna has been working hard all summer! She’s been going to tons of Club volleyball camps, High School camps, working hard at home when she can bare the scorching temps outside, and taking…
One Month Down!
One month down! Twenty three to go! 💙 I think we are finally starting to get into the groove of our new lives. It’s taken some adjustments and we all still have moments…
Almost Back to School
Today I spent some one on one time with this beauty! 😍 Talking about all the things and laughing our heads off! I love hanging out with her. She’s is hilarious! She had…
Cuarto Semana – (Fourth Week)
Things just keep chugging along here at the CCM. Lots of Spanish and gospel study. We started a game called El Latino, which was really just an excuse to try and make us…
Eli’s 1st Job
With all the excitement around here I almost forgot to post about Eli! He got his first job at Rubio’s! He went in and told them he was Walker’s brother and the employees,…
Disneyland – Day 3
Our last day!!!! We did our best to hit all our “must do” rides one more time before we had to go. Of course Pirates was at the top of the list. 🙂 …
Disneyland – Day 2
Day 2 started out in Disneyland. We had reservations for lunch so we hung out and played there before heading over to California Adventure for the rest of the day. First stop was…
Disneyland – Day 1
Before we headed to the Parks on Friday we waited at the Hawk’s hoping we’d hear from Walker before we left. We sent him an email earlier in the week telling him we’d…
Summer Vacation!
The week Walker left the kids started feeling a little down and asked if we could go to Disneyland. I don’t know what possessed me to say yes but that’s what came out!…