• Christmas Day!

    It’s traditions for the kids to pose Christmas morning next to our Santa. However, two out of three of them are now adults and so it’s tricky to get them all in together.…

  • Christmas Eve!

    My parents keep threatening they aren’t going to host Christmas Eve the next year. But, the next year rolls around and they decide they’ll do it just one more year. LOL! So…. we…

  • Happy 15th Birthday!!!

    Alayna woke up on her birthday to this cool sign in our front yard. Her Young Women’s leader surprised her with this and a few little gifts. How sweet is that!?! Now that’s…

  • Thanksmas!

    Jared’s family got together for a combo Thanksgiving/Christmas over the weekend. His sister Julie and her special guy realized it’s much more affordable to travel between holidays than on the holiday. ;P So,…

  • Thanksgiving – All Together Again!

    Rich and Rita have settled into their new home and have been dying to host the family for Thanksgiving. It was so neat to be all together again! Rita started off the meal…

  • Ward Christmas Party

    It’s been a couple years since we’ve been able to gather for a party. The world has been a little crazy with a little thing called a pandemic. When the Ward announced they…

  • Happy Birthday to Me!

    I’ve been blessed with another year on this beautiful Earth! Hello 45!!! 😀 I had a lovely day. Jared spoiled me with flowers, 6 different kinds of cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes (because…

  • Dining-In

    This was Elis’ first formal dinner with his Wing. He said it was really nice and the dinner was excellent! I love seeing these young men create bonds that will stay with them…

  • New Facility, New Team, New Experiences!

    I posted before about Alayna making the 15N1 Team and she’s over the moon excited about what this season is going to bring! Look at all those smiling faces brimming with anticipation for…

  • 1st New Car!

    Eli bought his 1st new car! Several months ago a guy side swiped his Buick and he’s been on the hunt for a new one. Inventory everywhere is low. Chip shortages, lack of…