• Friends Are Cool

    I found this little treasure in Alayna’s folder. It brought a smile to my face so I thought I’d share! 🙂

  • Music To My Ears

    We usually start the kids in piano lessons when they being 1st grade (however I think Walker stared in Kinder). We found out that a Sister in our Ward teaches piano and she’s…

  • Kitch Apocalypse!

    We’ve hit a really bad string of luck lately. Not only has Jared been laid off, everything we own seems to be needing repairs. In the couple of weeks he’s been laid off…

  • Our Oasis In The Desert!

    So way back at the beginning of June (before the whirlwind of rough luck gusted our way) we decided it was time we needed a break from the unrelenting summer heat. Every year…

  • Determination Pays Off

    All weekend Alayna has been working on a very wiggly tooth. At church this afternoon she just couldn’t leave it alone and was doing her darndest to get it to come out. By…

  • Eye See You Now…

    For almost a year now Eli has been complaining about his eyes aching at night when he reads. His pediatrician said she thought he was straining his eyes and for him to look…

  • Unexpected

    Jared was laid off today….He’s worked at the law-firm for 12 years. Today’s news came very unexpectedly. We are still in a bit of a whirlwind right now and trying to digest what…

  • The Nutcracker

    On Saturday the boys went hiking and Alayna and I went to her auditions for The Nutcracker! 🙂 She hasn’t taken ballet for very long and she has never had a dance audition…

  • Horton Springs

     Walker’s scout troop had a family hike on Saturday. It was up in Payson right near Kohl’s Ranch. They hiked up to Horton Springs. Jared took Walker, Eli and our nephew Dylan.  Unfortunately…

  • Prima Ballerina!

    Alayna has been asking for almost a year now to get into ballet again. She took a couple of  little classes through the city’s parks and recreation program when she was 4 years…